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At our NorthWest Campus, we seek to live and share the story of God by transforming lives through relevant teaching, authentic worship, & welcoming connections.


Sundays at 10:00 am

Walker Charter Academy 1801 3 Mile Road, NW 

 Walker MI 49544

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Email Chris Cowling, Northwest Campus Pastor

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Chris Cowling

Covid Considerations

Thank you for your grace and care as we continue to be the church in the midst of a pandemic. Our current policy is, "Wear a mask or don't wear a mask, we leave it up to you!" We will continue to stay updated and revise our policies if necessary.


LS Kids (Birth - 5th Grade)

Our volunteers are here to help children and families learn what it means to live and share the story of God through activities, Bible lessons, and play. 


Age Group Breakdown:

B3 (Birth - 3 years)

Kids Club (4 and 5 years)

The Hub (Kindy - 5th grade)

LS Kids resources


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

- Galatians 5:13


Serve with us!

Serving one another is a great way to grow closer to God and closer to your neighbor. It's a way that we can truly be God's hands and feet to those around us while keeping a humble spirit. We have lots of ways that you can serve within Life Stream - so check it out!

Why do we serve?

Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus model serving. Jesus gives us the perfect example of living a life serving others. As Mark 10:45 explains, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Our savior did not come seeking to be served, but instead, He continually served those the world rejected.

While we must understand no amount of service will lead to our salvation, Christians recognize the reason we serve others is because of all He did to forgive us. It is because of our belief in His love and His great salvation that we love others.  Along these same lines, it is important to understand that Christianity is not a solo sport. It is the exact opposite. Our membership in God’s church means we each have a unique role to play.

We should never serve (or give) for personal recognition or accolades. Instead, when we serve, we should serve humbly. It is through serving others that we will shine a light that will glorify the Lord.


God isn’t looking for the most successful or most popular person to serve – He is looking for the most willing. We all have gifts we can use to serve Him and serve others. We just need to be willing.

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