Join Our Community
Coming up:
- Generations Move Up Sunday (Sept. 8)
- Student Ministry Kickoff (Sept. 8)
- Journey Kids Kickoff (Sept. 11)
Kids Ministry
For the month of July, The Hub and Studio 45 (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) will be having family services on Sunday mornings. B3 and Kid's Club (Birth - 5 Years) will have regular programming.
Weekly programming for Shift (6th - 8th Grade) is ON PAUSE for summer. Stay tuned for upcoming events!
Weekly programming for Identity (9th - 12th Grade) is ON PAUSE for summer. Stay tuned for upcoming events!
Adult Ministry
Check out our new Adult Ministry page and all the fun Bible studies and events in Men's, Women's, and Senior ministry!
Life Groups
Life Groups are launching soon! Check out what groups are open and sign up for a group using the link below!
Thank you for your generous giving! Click the button below for information and options on how to give at Life Stream Church.
Attendance for September 8 services:
9:00 AM - 481
10:30 AM - 463
Total - 944
Online - 564