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Men's Ministry


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Please contact Maddie Carroll with any questions you might have about our Men's Ministry! Thank you for your patience!

Men’s Ministry at

Life Stream Church

At Life Stream we take our Men's Ministry seriously. We know that being courageous for Jesus at work and leading a family in Christ is not an easy task. We strive to provide a community of men who can challenge and encourage growth on all levels.

Men working
Men playing
Men working

1 Thessalonians says,

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”



Come to one of our men’s events and see what it means to build each other up in Jesus. Like a well built home we can weather the storms of life together when our foundation solidly in Jesus Christ. 

Connect Events

Bible Study Our Man-Up Group meets together each week on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM and evenings at 7:00 PM. This is a time of encouragement as we dig more deeply into the Sunday teaching. Join us for fellowship and friendship before your workday begins.

Bible Study 

Men's Bible Study meets every Tuesday evening from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Community room. All men are welcome to join us in a deep dive into the book of James with the help of the Bible Project. We hope to see you there!


Service Events

There are many ways men can get connected

We would love to talk to you about where God has gifted you and how you can join us as we continue to reach people for Christ.

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